Sarcom Ingram Micro
We called it work, they did pay us, but we had such a geat time and had so many friends...,
These are just some of the folks & activities that made those few years great (click any pic to enlarge):

This is all that was left of us, trimmed down from over 70, at the going away "party" of one our fearless leaders, Mike U.

In 1998, a few of us decided it would be cool to jump to our deaths (okay, not really...)

This was "the staff". What a great team!! There was nothing we couldn't do, and proved it on a regular basis.

The off-site going away party (or it may have been a birthday party -- I don't remember...)
Mike, Michelle, and their family were always fun, no matter what the occasion!

Just closer proof that I really did jump.

Choose your quote:
(and yes, that is Liz and I crashing into each other)
That's it, who brought the CHILDREN to this party?
That's it! No more "Liquid Diet Table" for you!!!

MIA - one friend -- Has anyone seen Tonya in the last 5 years???

Sometimes, even the computer snobs would grace us with their presence
Just kidding, Krista!! Miss you, girl!

Actually, one of the "computer snobs" married a Distribution Goddess....
"Mixed" relationships...will wonders never cease?

We even branched out to make friends in Memphis!
Gil Marr (Net Admin, Extraordinaire!) and Family, Collierville, TN

And in California, and shared some "intimate" life experiences, too

Jason, you didn't really think I'd put the picture of your seeping incision on the 'net, did you? When I find the one of your family, I'll replace the broken pic!

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